
Random meme

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StrixVanAllen's avatar

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I was tagged by :iconiglybo: I don't usually tag people but I try to honour it when someone tags me. 'Trying' being the key word here. It's hard to fill memes depending on the time of the semester (being a teacher and all).

Congratulation! Your characters have won a free trip to this super special awesome place! There is no way this trip could go wrong... or is it?


- Pick 10 of your OCs in any order. If you don’t have 10 characters use canon or borrow your friends's charies, whatever!
- Don't look at the questions while picking the characters! (As always, I used to position them)
- Link back to the blank. ---> here: You won a free trip crack OC meme :: Blank
- Have fun! EVIL Laughter!

...Uh. I have followed all the rules. Weird.


1. Vlad
2. The Third
3. Bram
4. Quincey
5. Maarten
6. Bessie
7. Lucy
8. Mina
9. Violet
10. Renfield


1. First, Renfield, do you have any statements before depart?

Renfield: "Are we really doing this? Really? Going to travel to somewhere we don't know, after winning tickets we didn't sign for?"
The Third: "Eh, I'm bored and the kids need training."
Vlad: "I'm not staying behind."
Renfield: *sigh*

2. Rejoice! You guys will travel on this scary looking train! Cool isn't it? Does Bessie have any problem with this choice of transportation?

Bessie: "I have to second Mr. Renfield here, Dr. Van Helsing. Are you really sure that we should enter this? This thing screams 'eldritch beast's trap' all over. Shouldn't we just lit it on fire and run?"
The Third: "Nah, we will be fine. It's not my first haunted train ride, not even the second. Those things are low difficulty, usually."

3. We are about to start! But Tom and Maarten delay the depart time by show up late together. What are their reasons?

Tom: "Sorry, I was stocking on weapons, just in case, then Maarten appeared out of nowhere, saying that he would be coming with me."
Maarten: "As if I would miss it."

4. Yay! Finally we can go! Looks like your group is the only people on board this quiet and deserted train. Lucy and Violet explores around, randomly opens a cabin and sees... a giant squid inside?

Violet: "And theeeere we go."
Lucy: "What is it with eldritch horrors and tentacles?"

5. So the giant squid turns out to be an alien who likes snail soup... and he is your train conductor! What is Quincy's feeling about this? Oh and the main dish on the menu today will be snail soup, by the way.

Quincy: "I bet that he will reveal that he is taking with hostage to do horrible experiments in ten hours."
Bram: "Five hours."
Lucy: "Right now if we refuse the soup."
Vlad: "Cash on the hat, you all, or it doesn't count." *pass a rotten hat to collect the bets*

6. The train gets a little shaky and the happy day light slowly turns red... Soon after that you can see strange black creatures and colorful flaming meteors floating on the sky. You realize that the train is now running on mid-air without a rail under it. How does The Third and Renfield react?

The Third: "Still, nothing out of the ordinary. I mean, having an alien instead of ghosts in this train is a change, but it'll have to work harder to impress."

7. The atmosphere is tense. Suddenly Vlad bursts into a song. What is the song and does Bram do something about this?

Vlad: *curse-filled rap song*
Bram: *gives Vlad a stare that clearly says 'stop that, or you lose all your teeth'*
Vlad: *stops mid-sentence*

8. The conductor says there is nothing to worry about! And you can order snail soup on the dinning cabin as much as you want, it's free! After hearing that, The Third says...

The Third: "Should we refuse it in the squid's face to see if Lucy wins the bet?"
Maarten: "YES!"
Renfield: "No. NO! Jesus Christ, am I the only sane person here?"

9. Bored, Quincy looking out of the window and see a flying Kronosaurus. Before he could marvel at the living fosil it crashes into the train. The impact sends Quincy flying and he hits the wall hard. Does anyone in the group run to help the out cold Quincy on the ground?

The Third: "Everyone calms down, he's alright. Bram, help me to take care of him until he comes to his senses."
Maarten: "Good, now I can hunt dinosaurs with a clear conscience."

10. Oh noes! Now a whole army of Mesozoic marine reptiles attacking the train! Glass pieces flying everywhere!!! Which one on the group is the most panic and which one is the most calm?

Maarten is having SO MUCH FUN fighting those things that it's almost unsettling. While no one is panicking, exactly, Renfield is internally screaming as he tries to keep Vlad safe.

11. In the middle of chaos Maarten trying to find the conductor but he/she can't see him anywhere. Instead he/she discovers that no one driving the train! Lost control, the train crashed into a mountain!

Violet: "Oh my God, oh my God, try to land it!"
Maarten: "I pilot PLANES. I have no idea what to do with a train!"
Maarten: "OK, shield spell it is."

12. Phew, no one die. But The Third and Bessie is arguing with each other. What are they arguing about? Does Mina do something about it?

13. Bessie, Lucy and Vlad goes out to explore where they crashed into. A giant bee appears, captures a member of the group and flies off. Who is the unlucky peep?

Vlad. Of course. He doesn't even bat an eyelash.

14. After the small group have returned to the train, Violet and Renfield was sent to rescue the unlucky one, if he/she is still alive that is... Are they happy with this or not?

It's Renfield's job, it's not like he has a choice. Violet strongly feels like a mother to Vlad, so she probably volunteered to help.

15. While Violet and Renfield gone, Quincy wakes up. He/she got some brain damage from the earlier crash and start attacking everyone on board.

Quincy is the slowest and weakest of the whole group. Some nearby adult just need to hold him by his forehead and he's stuck flailing without hitting anything.

16. Phew! Quincy got knocked out by a random falling object. Just before Violet returned. What is his/her reaction? Wait, where is Renfield? He/she was captured by the bee too?

Violet: "Oh dear. We should make sure we aren't hit by more flying debris."
Mina: "Hm, Vi, where's Vlad's handsome bodyguard?"
Violet: "We split when looking for Vlad. I came back to get more equipment."

17. Night fall and the group spends some dark hours on the powerless train. Who would be the one to come up with a creative way to light the place up?

Eh, either Maarten or Violet can cast a light spell, or at least lit something on fire.

18. For whatever reason Mina decides to ask The Third to marry him/her in the romantic light. Does Maarten object this or not?

Maarten: *bursts in uncontrollable laughter*
The Third: "This is getting old, Mina."
Violet: "Yes. This is my dork, now. No takesies backsies."

19. Good morning! Great night didn't it? Hey, look, the conductor have returned! And... he brings friends? And a space ship too? Say what, they gonna kidnap the whole group and turn them into labrats? Bram, do something!

Bram: *checks the time on his cellphone* Dang, Quincy won the bet by one hour. Hey, wake up and collect your prize, Sleeping Beauty!

20. Oh dear, Bram got hit by a ray gun and turned into an animal! (If they're already an animal, they got turned into a mushroom :P) What animal/shroom is it? Does The Third help Bram, laugh at, run in panic or what?

Bram turns into a kitten.
Bessie: "OH MY GOD he is so precious!" *holds him*
Maarten: *sigh* OK, fine, I'll get one of those guns. You wait here.

21. Quincy have woke up and smashes two aliens from behind. But he got hit by a random object someone on the group throws at the alien so passes out again. What is Mina's reaction about this? Does Maarten, the one who threw the random object says anything?

Mina: "What IS wrong with Quincy today, he can't stay up for two straight minutes! It can't be good for his brain."
Maarten: "Sorry, I was aiming for the gun!"

22. Wow Renfield and Vlad are still alive and crash the party along with an army of giant bees! And these giant bees happen to love alien squid's meat...

Renfield: *still internally screaming*

23. The group steals the alien space ship and somehow manage to turn Bram back and drive them home. Tag someone or let The Third say something to end the meme!

The Third: "See? I said it would be easy."
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PuddingValkyrie's avatar
This is awesome XD

They're all just like 'welp just another day'

Poor Renfield.

So, I am sure that Mina is not the original Mina, but I don't know her?

You also randomly mentioned a Tom in the first few questions who wasn't even on the list, who is he again?